Items filtered by date: May 2024

Tolya's corner

The painting "Tolya's corner" is a reminiscence of the art studio in Cubist style, infused with nostalgic memories of the time when the artist was searching for his own painting style. Date of creation: 2011. | Recommended price: 150000 USD


Still Life with Fruits

Still Life with Fruits | Substitution of Reality in Cubism Interpretation and Return to Basic Geometric Forms. Creation Date: 2013-2016 by Anatoli Gostev


Whose Goat?

The painting was exhibited in the German gallery K Galerie im Maxforum München until an incident when it almost disappeared. When the painting miraculously returned to the artist in 2011, he began to rework it. The fate of the painting, like its characters, is phantasmagorical. Creation Date: 2017 | Recommended price: 140000 USD



The painting "Magpie" | contemporary art in the style of cubism is an assimilation of the experience of great artists, founders of the style. A masterpiece of figurative language in painting. Creation date: 2002 | Recommended price: 180000 USD


Turning Road

Turning Road - a painting, a landscape that invites reflection on Fauvism, the dynamics of movement, and the search for new horizons by the brilliant master of contemporary painting. Date of creation 2017 | Recommended price: 165000 USD


Place in Avezzano

The painting "Place in Avezzano" possesses not only artistic value but also a unique depiction of the morning moment, which may be of interest to collectors and art enthusiasts. Creation date: 2007 | Recommended price: 140000 USD


Angel and Cat

The painting "Angel and Cat" is conceived by the artist symbolically. It is a dedication to the cat, to which an angel came, and a conversation takes place between them. Creation Date: 2019


Houses Group

The painting "Group of Houses" is a unique and evocative work of art, filled with both cold and warmth, nostalgia, and memories. In it, the artist transports the viewer into his childhood world, where the clustered houses create an image of a cozy and sheltered space. Creation date: 2007. | Recommended price: 104000 USD

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